Advocating for Auburn Public Library initiatives for nearly 30 years.
Re-imagined and re-named in 2021, the Auburn Public Library Foundation promotes the Library through advocacy and fundraising activities. The Foundation engages the community at large to underwrite programs, services, and enhancements which address current and next generation challenges.
The Auburn Public Library Foundation is governed by a volunteer-led Foundation Board and coordinates four sub-committees that work congruently to fulfill annual requests submitted by the Library staff in addition to Foundation initiatives.
Get in touch with us to discuss volunteer opportunities, or use the form at the bottom of this page to make a donation.
749 E. Thach Ave.
Auburn, AL 36830
(334) 501-3190
Past Projects Funded by APLF
Reading Dragons
Through a partnership with Auburn City Schools (ACS), the Auburn Public Library provides a classroom outreach program titled "Third Grade Reading Dragons" (TGRD).
Summer Reading Collections
When school is out for the summer, the kids' collections check out at an alarming pace, and the APL cannot keep popular titles on the shelves. Some kids may wait the entire break for their turn to come up on the holds list. This project allows Materials staff to purchase multiple copies of kids and teens popular titles and best sellers.
Adults Create!
Adults Create! was implemented in summer 2023 as a monthly program to engage adults in the community with the Library. Since then, the program has been tremendously popular with each session filling up quickly. Program registration is limited, and each session has had between 10-20 people on a waiting list demonstrating a strong interest in the program. Costs incurred include supplies, equipment, and refreshments for each program. All supplies are provided by the library at no cost to the participant.
“Today a Reader,
Tomorrow a Leader.”